The similarity percentage is further checked keeping the following important points in view: Bentham OPEN allows an overall similarity of 20% for a manuscript to be considered for publication. Any instance of content overlap is further scrutinized for suspected plagiarism according to the publisher's Editorial Policies. It generates a similarity report, highlighting the percentage overlap between the uploaded article and the published material.
iThenticate software checks the content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. Complaints to the Publisher may be emailed to Plagiarism Prevention: Bentham OPEN uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Acceptance of the manuscript is not guaranteed even if the journal agrees to reconsider the manuscript, and the reconsideration process may involve previous or new reviewers or editors and substantive revision.Īuthors who wish to make a complaint should refer them to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal concerned. The EIC and other relevant editors will consider the appeal and the decision thereafter taken by the journal will be deemed final. A difference of opinion as to the interest, novelty, or suitability of the manuscript for the journal will not be considered as an appeal. Appeals must give sound reasoning and compelling evidence against the criticism raised in the rejection letter. However, authors who think that their manuscript was rejected due to a misunderstanding or mistake may seek an explanation for the decision. Appeals and Complaints: Generally, the editorial decisions are not reverted.short communications, full-length research and review articles, as well as supplements, conference proceedings and case studies. Authors have the flexibility to publish a wide range of articles in a Bentham OPEN journal e.g.Authors publishing with Bentham OPEN retain the copyright to their work.All efforts are made to expedite the peer review process leading to timely publication.Submissions from the Editor-in-Chief will undergo independent peer-review and will be submitted to another Editor for his decision on acceptance. All manuscripts are assessed rapidly and the decision taken by the journal's Editor-in-Chief based on all the peer reviewers’ comments, which are then conveyed to the author(s). All submitted articles are subject to an extensive peer review, in consultation with members of the journal's Editorial Board and independent external referees (usually three).
The anonymity of reviewers allows for objective assessment of the manuscript and is also free from any influence by the authors on the reviewers’ comments. It is the most common type of peer-reviewing, in which the identity of the reviewers is not disclosed to the authors of the submitted manuscript.