You also know he’s going to kill somewhere in the neighborhood of an entire neighborhood because this would be a weird sequel if he didn’t.) The title alone tells you John Wick won’t die in this film because it’s Chapter 2 and not The Final Chapter. (Note: This is the point where I would generally give you the obligatory SPOILER WARNING, but there’s nothing to spoil. Going into the sequel, I wanted two things to happen in the film – 1) explain anything in this mystical underground assassin world and 2) have something resembling a plot. I just don’t get how critics weren’t foaming at the mouth at a movie with far less plot than a high school graduation ceremony. So of course Summit Entertainment was going to make a John Wick 2, especially when John Wick grossed $80 million on a $20 million budget. There’s a reason why the NFL is the most popular thing in this country and that fights are the most talked about part of hockey. I get the reason why regular American audience members liked the movie – action, kill, death, action, Mustang, blood splatters, action, death. It was easily one of the worst written movies of 2014 that somehow got a complete pass because of action scenes that were one take instead of 84 million (a.k.a.

It’s been two and a half years since John Wick murdered scores of people over a dead dog and stolen car and I still don’t understand how that movie scored an 85% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes.